Janani Foundation

Aims & Objectives

About Our Founder

Aims & Objectives

Over the Past fifteen years more and more men and women of Rural areas have been Competing with men and women in urban areas in all walks of life and the upliftment and support for the needy rural deprived children and women is required to place them better in the modern society and provide education, care, shelter and develop individuality to live on their own. The Janani Women and Rural development society, Puttur, has formulated the following aims and objectives as its Target to be achieved in its structure to popularize and promote education, training provide accommodation and employment to female Children, and women in all Communities of the rural and urban areas. The Janani Foundation was inaugurated on the 28th July 2013.

  • The society means the Janani Women And Rural development society (JWARDS), formed for providing women the Quality education (Technical, Vocational, Professional and general education), care, shelter, Protection, employment and develop individuality to live on their own to the member of all the Communities in the rural and urban areas.
  • To Contribute to the efforts of the Govt. in imparting quality, technical, Vocational, professional and general education to all rural and urban people from primary stage to the Post graduate stage to the women of all the Communities.
  • To assist educational institutions by granting income or corpus fund or in any other ways.
  • To enter in to any agreements or arrangements with any Government. Local authority, institution, body or individual as may appear conductive to the objects of the said society and to carry out exercise and comply with such agreements and arrangements.
  • Organize and support conferences, seminars, classes’ discussions for the promotion of the aforesaid objects.
  • To encourage and train children and women from all communities to enter in to all fields of education and service.
  • To inculcate moral, spiritual and social values among children and women of all Communities
  • To generate specific vocational skills and job-oriented education for gainful Occupation among all communities.
  • To provide or associate with organizations involved in intensive coaching for competitive entrances as well as service commission examinations etc.,
  • To take up complete adoption of female children, provide education, food and accommodation, employment and settle them
  • To establish and maintain homes for orphans (female children) and women of all communities.
  • To work for the promotion of the general health condition of the people.
  • To undertake various sanitation programme for upliftment of better sanitation and eco friendly environment for rural people.
  • To organize activities for development of physically handicapped and such other types.
  • To provide medical facility for the needy and poor people where medical services are inadequate to meet the demand.
  • To organize safe mother and child survival projects.
  • To conduct family welfare and population education programmes.
  • To conduct health camps and to supply medicines to needy persons.
  • To conduct voluntary blood donation programmes.
  • To take care of the village tanks, wells and to arrange to supply the villagers with drinking water through different kind of programmes.
  • To undertake educational programmes, women awareness and women development programs for eradication of illiteracy.
  • To undertake vocational education training like computer education, mobile repairing, tailoring, etc.
  • Create awareness among people to refrain from harmful addiction and consumption of alcohol, dowry, infanticide etc.
  • To organize primary education, formal education, adult education Centers for the deprived people. To help the poor meritorious students for higher studies.
  • To conduct adult education centers for the illiterate people of rural and tribal areas.
  • To manage Balwadis, crèches and day care centers elementary education and non formal education canters for children to conduct the training of women in public co‐operation to identify the needs of women in rural backward and tribal areas through survey and to orient the movement, through training camps in a manner in which they can involve to meet their felt needs.
  • To promote awareness in various field such as Health, Education etc.
  • To implement innovative and experimental education programmes for children.
  • To work for the promotion of the ecology of the area.
  • To create awareness among people especially youth and women to protect and preserve existing forest and to create awareness.
  • To organize Social forestry programmes and to make plantation in the waste lands, village roads and encourage the people to do so.
  • To promote the alternative sources of energy like bio‐gas, solar etc through the environmental programme.
  • To work for the development of Agriculture with application of appropriate technology, modern equipments, developed seeds, pesticides for better yield.
  • To organize small and cottage industries in the rural area with the help of khadi and Village udyog.
  • To organize activity like animal husbandry, poultry, goatery, fishery, piggery for economic development.
  • To organize different income generating activities.
  • To construct and repair the village roads.
  • To establish JANANI FOUNDATION and carry out all the activities of the society through it.
  • To promote Mahila Mandals, Self Help Groups and Youth Groups for the development of women and youth.
  • To arrange handicrafts and cottage industries training centers for the needy women.
  • To organize different skill development program to raise the competency and managerial skill of the rural youths.
  • To introduce new technology farming.
  • To conduct lab to land programmes.
  • To impact vocational training to farmers and women.
  • To give demonstrations and perform farm testing programmes.
  • To enable endeavors like watershed development, environmental management, resources planning etc.
  • To envisage a role in planning of water resources so as to serve the purpose of sustainability and equity.
  • To work towards building local tribal women’s organization to improve their position and conditions of living.
  • To organize different training activities for the grass root level worker to raise their
  • efficiency and skill.
  • To organize different survey and research work on various aspect of rural development.
  • Finding out areas with maximum risk and providing intervention services to prevent the calamity.
  • To undertake prefeasibility studies for in the areas relating to Governance, consultancy project monitoring, internal system design an implementation, taxation, internal audit, reporting on implementation of projects, strategic planning, interim management, evaluation, financial planning, development consulting, capacity building for micro enterprises and organization development.
  • To organize Counseling centers for youth, HIV/AIDS patients, and other chronically ill persons. Information dissemination doing research on various areas and bringing out issues that require attention.
  • To promote scientific research training and field action in rural development.
  • To undertake other activities like field action project research, advocacy, networking
  • and to promote understanding and better professional practice in the areas of social work, social services and allied professional fields.
  • Promoting a broader understanding of urban poverty, including aspects related to health, human rights, entitlements and participation.
  • To undertake various development programmes and national thrust programmes of government and non government agencies.
  • To work as a forum to provide job opportunities to the unemployed youth.
  • To bring about effective integration of community participation in various development schemes launched by the Government and other social development organizations.
  • To offer management consultancy and implementation support services to various State and Central Government organizations.
  • Providing legal aid to the women, innocent prisoners, poor people etc. Helping the children and family of the prisoners. Undertaking correctional measures for the prisoners.
  • To work for the welfare of street children with the aim of making them more productive and law abiding citizens.
  • To rescue and rehabilitate children working in hazardous industries, by organizing Field work and surveys and also by helping other welfare agencies working in the area of child labour.
  • To work for the rehabilitation of street children through education and imparting values and life skills.
  • To undertake the govt. schemes & its implementations.
  • To provide micro credit consulting and undertake impact evaluation for funding agencies and banks.
  • To work for the promotion of folk culture, music and other arts of different areas and protect them from vanishing by organizing.
  • To adopt children who have disturbed parents, Orphans, (Drunkards, Prostitute mothers, HIV Parents).
  • To work hand in hand with the similar NGO’s and support the women of all communities.
  • To start small scale industries and source employment to support the financial needs of women and associate with DWACRA groups in the state to uplift the women of all communities.
  • To run model schools, residential schools organize nursery, secondary, higher and technical vocational, institutions, colleges of all categories for rural and Urban areas.
  • To take over the management of any other society of a public character and / or to represent on the managing or advisory, communities or bodies of any chartable institutions or trust; and
  • To do all such things either alone or in conjunction with other as are incidental or conductive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them. PROVIDED ALWAYS that the beneficiaries of the society here by created shall not be restricted to any community or caste or creed but the society shall be for benefit of the public generality and both the corpus and the income of the society shall be applied and spend wholly and exclusively in India or for the benefit of citizens of India or abroad or for purposes which tends to promote international welfare in which India is interested.